About Us

What is the Great Commission Mission?

The goal of the Great Commission Mission is to advance the cause of Christ through the Great Commission by training thousands of soulwinners, facilitating the planting of hundreds of churches, and providing training materials for national pastors worldwide.

The Great Commission Mission is organized through Great Commission conferences, Great Commission training, and Great Commission materials and resources. The fact is, this is a big world, and our time is limited. To reach one million souls and more, our strategy is threefold: using aviation to facilitate the movement of men and materials to expedite the Gospel, using technology to reach the world with the Gospel, and using Berean Publications to provide Bibles, printed materials, and resources.

With the advancements in this world, the world has become more accessible. We can travel to just about anywhere in the world in a fraction of the time it took less than a century ago. We can reach worldwide digitally thanks to social media and the internet. The Great Commission Mission utilizes these modern innovations to the benefit of purporting the Gospel throughout the world. Jesus is coming soon, and we must seize the opportunities to share His message with the world!

David Crews, Director

Growing up in a Christian home in Florida with a godly mother laid the groundwork for the man that David Crews would become. As a teenager, he learned how to go soulwinning and faithfully work a bus route. It was during this time, more than thirty years ago, that God placed in the heart of Bro. Crews a love for world missions, the local church, soulwinning, and church planting. He served as a missionary to British Columbia, Canada for ten years where God blessed the soulwinning efforts in the cities of Surrey and Kamloops. 

The Lord directed him and his family back to his home church, Immanuel Baptist Church in Jacksonville, Florida, where he worked as assistant pastor and missions director for almost 12 years. Whenever possible, Bro. Crews also teaches missionary classes at North Florida Baptist College, helping to train another generation of soulwinning church-planting missionaries. 

God has now placed in his heart to serve as the director of the Great Commission Mission with the goal of seeing hundreds of churches planted, thousands of soulwinners trained, and more than one million souls receive Christ as their Saviour.

Working With National Pastors

The need is GREAT. The harvest is READY. National men who already know the language and culture are being taught the Bible and getting trained “on site” to do a work for the Lord. Approximately $500/month will support a national pastor for 3-5 years in planting a church. Purchasing church properties and building church buildings is also needed. The Great Commission Mission is in place to come along side these national pastors as we assist and accelerate the preaching of God’s Word in villages that are void of the Gospel.

Worldwide Training of Soulwinners

The Great Commission needs to be started, and it needs to be completed. “Greatly Commissioned” and “Won by One” have been written for this very purpose. The Great Commission Mission is about the follow through and working hard to finish what was started. Training materials and technology such as Zoom play an active role in the work of the Great Commission Mission.

Encourage your pastor to take a trip with us and assist in the hands-on training of soulwinners! Many facets of the Great Commission Mission are very exciting to see in person on the mission field, and this is one of them.

Widening Our Reach Through the Aviation Ministry

It is wonderful to see how God continues to supply the tools needed for the Great Commission Mission. We have two pilots in our home church who have left their careers to run the Mission Aviation program. More pilots are currently being trained in Jacksonville, Florida, as this facet of the ministry will soon enable us to provide soulwinners, tracts, training materials, and mission trips to needy areas. Whether it is island hopping in the Caribbean or reaching remote areas in Central and South America, the Gospel of Jesus Christ can be expedited in our day and the Aviation Ministry is set to accomplish this for His glory!

Our Reach

Gospel Outposts

These strategic outposts allow us to start expanding the reach of the Great Commission through soulwinning, conferences, and training for the furtherance of the Gospel.

USA - Jacksonville, FL
This is the home base of the Great Commission Mission. Northeast Florida is the home of the Immanuel Baptist Church, the Great Commission Mission, and Missions Aviation. It is from here Gospel missions are organized and launched.
Caribbean - St. Lucia
A strategic island with an airport large enough to land the Gospel 737 Jet, which will provide the delivery of men and materials. Bibles and printed materials can be stored until they are sent across the Caribbean, assisting churches in fulfilling the Great Commission.
South America - Ecuador
A country where Spanish-speaking countries to the north and south can be accessed through the home base of South America. Following the same pattern in other regions, the Great Commission Mission is active in assisting in training men to start churches and reach their countrymen for Christ.